Mysqldump, Mysqlpump, or Mydumper: Which MySQL Backup Tool is Right for You?
Master the art of MySQL data protection with Mydbops! This blog empowers you to select the ideal logical backup utility – mysqldump, mysqlpump, or mydumper – for your specific needs. We explore their functionalities, performance considerations, and use cases to guide your decision-making.
It is very important for every DBA’s to backup their data frequently so that they can recover data if any problems occur such as Hardware failure, System crashes, Human mistakes. There are several ways to backup MySQL data.
They are
1) Physical Backup
2) Logical Backup
Physical Backup:
It is also called Raw Backup. It copies the directories and its files that has database contents.
Logical Backup:
It is also called Text Backup. It converts all the available rows into single/multiple inserts and also contains create statements to create databases, tables, triggers and so on,
This blog is to discuss logical backups in MySQL and its available utilities.
List of utilities available for logical backup
- Mysqldump
- Mysqlpump
- Mydumper
The definition for mysqldump given in manual page
“The mysqldump client utility performs logical backups, producing a set of SQL statements that can be executed to reproduce the original database object definitions and table data. It dumps one or more MySQL databases for backup or transfers to another SQL server. The mysqldump command can also generate output in CSV, other delimited text, or XML format.”
It is very easy to use and syntax is also very simple. When we execute this, it converts all rows to SQL queries and print that in standard output. We can redirect this output to an outfile(>) or using an option — result-file.
For Example, I have installed MySQL 5.7 in the local machine(512MB RAM and 2 core) with standard configuration and loaded around 10 million records using Sysbench. Let’s see how long will it take to take backup and restore using dump. I have used time command in Linux to calculate real execution process for the command to complete.
It took nearly 1 minute 39 seconds to take a dump of total databases size 2GB. You can say it is less than 2 minutes and it is very fast, But just consider the same for a database with 100GB data /more and just consider you have only way to go with logical backup at that time.
By default, dump does not dump information_schema tables by default and it never takes performance_schema
The major drawback of mysqldump is it uses only one thread while taking backup and restore. (Even your server has 64 cores). We will see how long it takes for restoration.
It states that restoration takes more time than taking a backup (To restore faster, we can go for physical backup). It took more than 4 minutes for restoring 2GB data.
It is another utility which was introduced in MySQL 5.7 with a few more features when compared with mysqldump
The definition for mysqlpump given in manual page
“The mysqlpump client utility performs logical backups, producing a set of SQL statements that can be executed to reproduce the original database object definitions and table data. It dumps one or more MySQL databases for backup or transfers to another SQL server.”
The major features are
- Parallel processing (multi threaded) to speed up the backup
- Progress Indicator
- Dumping of user accounts as (create, grant statements not as inserts for MySQL system database)
By Default, mysqlpump does not take backup of system databases such as information schema, performance schema, and some MySQL system tables unless it mentioned explicitly. It also have options –include-database, –exclude-database, –include-table, –exclude-table with pattern matching(%). These options are more convenient for users who want to backup only a few objects from an entire dataset. In general, mysqlpump divides its work into chunks and each is assigned to a multi-threaded queue. This multithreaded queue is processed by N threads (By default it uses 2 threads). We can define a number of threads by using this option –default-parallelism and –parallel-schemas.
It took a total of 48 seconds to take a dump of the entire database(same data as used for mysqldump) and also it shows its progress which will be really helpful to know how much backup completes and it is giving time elapsed to take backup at end.
As I said earlier, default parallelism depends on the number of cores in the server. Roughly increasing the value won’t be helpful. (My machine’s core is 2)
Pump lacks a synchronization point during the initial release (–single-transaction) before MySQL 5.7.11 while restoration, it uses a single thread which is the same as mysqldump , it lacks parallel restore.
This is the utility which will be more useful to take backup/restore very big tables. Here I am using it to take backup of 2GB dataset just to show how it differs from mysqldump and mysqlpump. Generally, it will be useful for very big tables not for the smaller ones.
Mydumper/Myloader is not available by default. We need to install it on our own.
By default, dumper will split its work by creating a parallel process. It also depends on the number of cores on the machine (same like mysqlpump). Here we can use –rows options to take backup of very big tables. It will split the big table into smaller chunks and write each chunk to a separate file which makes it process faster.
It also has an option –exclude-database and –trx-consistency-only to support regular expressions and less locking of InnoDB tables respectively. We have –verbose option to know what dumper is doing.
Some of the files in the backup folder
Metadata file:
When the backup is running
When Backup completes
And logfile representing work done by each thread
If the option –logfile is not mentioned, it will throw the stats to the standard output.
When compared with other tools, dumper gives more info and it has some more options to make the backup faster. The utilities like mysqldump/mysqlpump use a single thread at the time of data restoration ( backup recovery). But mydumper is different from others with restoration. It has an additional toolset called myloader and it comes along with mydumper package ( No additional installation required). Myloader uses multiple threads to speed up the data restoration/recovery process.
It took only 2 minutes and 16 seconds to restore 2GB data. It is 2X better when compared with mysqldump / mysqlpump restoration process.
Each has its own pros and cons. We need to choose our tool for logical backup wisely based on our needs our production environment and time for recovery.
Logical backups are essential, but managing them effectively can be complex. Mydbops, your trusted open-source database partner, offers comprehensive MySQL services to elevate your data security.