Overview of Predefined Roles in PostgreSQL

Feb 1, 2023
Mins to Read

Comprehensive Guide to Predefined Roles in PostgreSQL

The PostgreSQL community always adds new features in its release every year. One of the prominent features is the Predefined Role which was introduced in PostgreSQL 9.6 with a single role available. Now it is having more than 10 predefined roles.

A predefined role is a built-in role that provided access to commonly needed information. This helps the database engineers and administrators to provide access to others in a very easy manner rather than having to execute numerous SQL queries to provide the same grants.

Example: Let’s say we need to provide complete read access to the app_user for database production with schemas X, Y, and Z.

Without predefined roles, we need to execute the following SQLs.

grant select on all tables in schema X to app_user;
grant select on all tables in schema Y to app_user;
grant select on all tables in schema Z to app_user;

With the predefined role, the number of SQL executed is reduced to 1.

grant pg_read_all_data to app_user;

So, in this blog post, we will have a detailed overview of available predefined roles in PostgreSQL since 9.6.


Earlier only superusers were allowed to kill another session. If someone needs to kill any query, they should be granted with superuser role. This predefined role allows the non-superuser to signal another backend to cancel a query(pg_cancel_backend) or terminate its session(pg_terminate_backend) without being a superuser.

However, the non-superuser with this role granted cannot send signals to the backend owned by a superuser. This role is available from PostgreSQL 9.6

Session 1: Non-Superuser is trying to kill a session and access is denied

production=# set role to app_user;
production=> select pg_terminate_backend(5234);
ERROR:  must be a superuser to terminate superuser process

Session 2: Providing predefined role

postgres=# grant pg_signal_backend to app_user;

Session 1: Now, non-superuser is able to terminate the session

production=> \c
You are now connected to database "production" as user "postgres".
production=# set role to app_user;
production=# select pg_terminate_backend(5234);
(1 row)

Trying to kill superuser connection, still could not do it.

production=> select pg_terminate_backend(5247);
ERROR:  must be a superuser to terminate superuser process


   It allows the non-superuser to read all the pg_stat_* views.

Session 1: Unable to view other sessions as it is showing insufficient privilege

postgres=> select pid,query from pg_stat_activity;
 pid  |                  query
 3485 | 
 3484 | 
 5283 | 
 5291 | select pid,query from pg_stat_activity;
 5241 | 
 3481 | 
 3480 | 
 3483 | 
(8 rows)

Session 2: Granted with read all stats access

production=# grant pg_read_all_stats to app_user ;

Session 1: Now able to see other user stats without being a superuser

postgres=> \c
SSL connection (protocol: TLSv1.3, cipher: TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384, compression: off)
You are now connected to database "postgres" as user "app_user".
postgres=> select pid,query from pg_stat_activity;
 pid  |                  query
 3485 |
 3484 |
 5283 | select pg_reload_conf();
 5317 | select pid,query from pg_stat_activity;
 5315 | grant pg_read_all_stats to app_user ;
 3481 |
 3480 |
 3483 |
(8 rows)


It allows the non-superuser to read all the configuration variables which are normally accessible only by the superuser.


It allows executing monitoring functions that may take access share lock on tables.


It allows to read/execute various monitoring views and functions. This role is also a member of pg_read_all_settings, pg_read_all_stats, and pg_stat_scan_tables

production=# \du pg_monitor
List of roles
-[ RECORD 1 ]------------------------------------------------------------
Role name  | pg_monitor
Attributes | Cannot login
Member of  | {pg_read_all_settings,pg_read_all_stats,pg_stat_scan_tables}


All these roles pg_monitor, pg_read_all_settings, pg_stat_scan_tables, pg_read_all_stats are available from PostgreSQL 10. This allows the database engineers/administrators to configure their monitoring system just by using a non-superuser. It is just enough to create a monitoring(non-superuser) user and provide pg_monitor grant to it rather than creating a superuser which is also a serious security concern.


It allows the user to import data into the database using commands like copy without being a superuser.

Session 1: Unable to import data

production=> copy test from '/var/lib/postgresql/load.csv' WITH (FORMAT csv);
ERROR:  must be superuser or have privileges of the pg_read_server_files role to COPY from a file
HINT:  Anyone can COPY to stdout or from stdin. psql copy command also works for anyone.

Session 2: Granted the required predefined role

production=# grant pg_read_server_files to app_user;

Session 1: Able to import data without superuser access

production=> \c
SSL connection (protocol: TLSv1.3, cipher: TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384, compression: off)
You are now connected to database "production" as user "app_user".
production=> copy test from '/var/lib/postgresql/load.csv' WITH (FORMAT csv);


It allows the user to export data from the database using commands like copy.

Session 1:

production=> copy test to '/var/lib/postgresql/export.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER;
ERROR:  must be superuser or have privileges of the pg_write_server_files role to COPY to a file
HINT:  Anyone can COPY to stdout or from stdin. psql copy command also works for anyone.

Session 2:

production=# grant pg_write_server_files to app_user;

Session 1:

production=> \c
SSL connection (protocol: TLSv1.3, cipher: TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384, compression: off)
You are now connected to database "production" as user "app_user".
production=> copy test to '/var/lib/postgresql/export.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER;


Allow to execute programs on the database server.

pg_read_server_files, pg_write_server_files, and pg_execute_server_program allow the non-superuser to import, export, and execute programs on the database server. So, it is very important to be careful while providing these access roles. All these roles are available from PostgreSQL 11.


This provides the user access to read(Select) all tables, views, sequences on all schemas in a database without providing it explicitly. It is similar to having select access on all these objects for all the schemas and usage access for all schemas in a database.

Without using Predefined Role

Session 1: Creating a new table t1 in schema test

production=# create table test.t1 (id int);

Session 2: Trying to read the table t1 and getting access denied for the schema

production=> select * from test.t1;
ERROR:  permission denied for schema test
LINE 1: select * from test.t1;

Session 1: Granting the access to the schema

production=# grant usage on schema test to app_user;

Session 2: Getting the access denied for the table

production=> select * from test.t1;
ERROR:  permission denied for table t1

Session 1: Granting the access to the table

production=# grant select on test.t1 to app_user;

Session 2: Able to perform read on t1.

production=> select * from test.t1;
(0 rows)

Session 1: Creating a new table t2 on another schema test2

production=# create table test2.t2 (id int);

Session 2: Again getting access denied for the table

production=> select * from test2.t2;
ERROR:  permission denied for table t2

Using Predefined Role

Session 1: Creating a new schema new and a table t1

production=# create schema new;
production=# create table new.t1 (id int);

Session 2: Getting access denied to the schema

production=> select * from new.t1;
ERROR:  permission denied for schema new
LINE 1: select * from new.t1;

Session 1: Providing predefined role to the user

production=# grant pg_read_all_data to app_user ;

Session 2: Able to read from the table

production=> select * from new.t1;
(0 rows)


Session 1: Creating a new table

production=# create table new.t2 (id int);

Session 2: Without any explicit grant, able to read from the new table as well.

production=> select * from new.t2;
(0 rows)


The number of grant SQLs is reduced to a single line and it also provide the same access to the new object being created inside the database. However, it is only suited if providing read access to all the objects in the database. If wanted to provide granular access, this cannot be suited.


This provide the user access to write all data on tables, views and sequences without explicitly provided insert, updates, deletes on all these objects. This is similar to having insert,update,delete access and usage access on all schemas in a database.


This allows easy creation of objects that will be available only to the db owners and not to the other users without explicit permission. Mostly helpful in template1 database.

All these roles pg_read_all_data, pg_write_all_data, pg_database_owner are available from PostgreSQL 14.


It allows the non-superuser to perform checkpoint operation by executing checkpoint command. By default, only superusers are able to perform this task.

This role is available from PostgreSQL 15.


It allows the user to perform maintenance activities like VACUUM, ANALYZE, REINDEX, Refresh Materialized View, cluster and lock table. By default, superuser and table owner only able to perform these operations. This will be really helpful to perform maintenance activities using least privileged user.


This allows to reserve connections for non-superusers. To support this, a new parameter reserved_connections will be added in PostgreSQL 16. Currently only superusers can reserve connections based on the variable superuser_reserved_connections.

Both these roles pg_maintain and pg_use_reserved_connections will be available from PostgreSQL 16 and it may be expected to release by October of this year 2023.

Summary of predefined roles available:

This feature in PostgreSQL helps to do the jobs related with access part much easy and quickly than ever especially for the databases which contains numerous users and schemas. Also, it is very important to be careful while provide the access and its purpose.

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