We are merry & galvanized for bestowing seeds of cognizance to our opensource database community.
Thank you to all those who attended in our 8th edition of MyWebinar. We hope our session was able to elevate & seam your workmanship to perfection. We are committed in giving back to our opensource database community by hosting more LIVE in the coming days.
Manosh Malai, CTO, Mydbops was successful in making this event more interactive, engaging, and, most importantly, productive for the audience. Thank you for your continuous contribution to the opensource community.
Topic: Evolution of MongoDB replica set and it’s best practices
Date: 28th of August, 2021.
The most important takeaways are:
A meticulous presentation on:
Scaling MongoDB
Horizontal & Vertical scaling
MongoDB replication set & it’s best practices:
Asynchronous replication
Automatic failover
Odd number of replica member
Read and write replica settings
Secondary memory type
Replica set best practices
MongoDB evolution and it’s recent exciting features:
Evolution of MongoDB Replica Set
Resumable Initial Sync – From MongoDB 4.4
Resumable Initial Sync Monitoring – From MongoDB 4.4
Streaming Replication – From MongoDB 4.4
Streaming Replication – From MongoDB 4.4
Minimum Oplog Retention Period – From MongoDB 4.4
Mirrored Reads – From MongoDB 4.4
Simultaneous Indexing – From MongoDB 4.4
The Q&A session was not only chat-based, but also interactive.
In case you were unable to attend, or would like to re-watch the webinar at your leisure, Please follow the link below:
Slideshare Link:
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Boost your MongoDB skills! Watch the recording of the Mydbops MyWebinar on MongoDB replica sets and best practices. Explore additional resources from Mydbops to become a MongoDB pro!